Download the Cyanotec Ltd Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement here
This slavery and human trafficking statement is made on behalf of Cyanotec Ltd
Cyanotec Ltd
Cyanotec Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 4558739 Details of Cyanotec structure and its office location can be found on the firm’s website.
Our approach
Cyanotec ltd has a zero-tolerance approach towards any form of slavery, servitude, forced or bonded labor, or human trafficking (collectively referred to as ‘modern slavery’ in this statement). We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery in our business or in our supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all our relationships. Our practices in relation to combating modern slavery. We consider the company itself to be low risk in relation to modern slavery, given the sector in which we operate.
Our current practices in relation to combating modern slavery are as follows:
In respect of our supply chains, we expect and require all our suppliers to comply with all local, national and (where applicable) international laws and regulations and they are assessed as part of our ISO system through site visits and questionnaires.
In respect of our ongoing commitment to supplier due diligence, some of our suppliers have been screened which includes a dedicated section of questions focused on modern slavery. We are committed to adding more of our suppliers to this system as soon as practicable.
We have a clear Whistleblowing Policy that applies to all partners, members, employees, contractors and all other individuals working for the firm. If there are any genuine concerns about any wrongdoing or breaches of the law, including modern slavery laws, these concerns can be raised in confidence and without fear of disciplinary action.
Finally, the group has an anti-slavery and human trafficking policy. The policy prohibits modern slavery and applies to all partners and employees.
This statement will be reviewed annually and made available on request.
This statement was approved by the company Directors July 2016.