Procure UV 94750 Electronics

Product Overview

  • • UV adhesive for tough, fast conformal coating on densely populated circuit boards
  • • Cure in approx <5 to 16 seconds, depending on UV light intensity and materials
  • • Low to medium viscosity at 175 cPs
  • • Available in 30ml (syringe), 50ml (bottle)

Product Information


Procure UV 94750 Electronics is a medium to low viscosity, ultra fast UV adhesive, that can be easily penetrated by sharp electronic probes. It is ideal as a  conformal coating  on densely populated circuit boards. Other bonding applications include a wide variety of metals, ceramics and glass-filled epoxy surfaces.

How to Use

This adhesive is UV sensitive. Exposure to daylight, UV light and artificial lighting should be kept to a minimum during storage and handling.

For best performance, bond surfaces should be clean and free from grease.

At least one substrate you are bonding, should be transparent for UV light to pass and cure adhesive.

Apply adhesive and expose to UV light of required density/intensity until cured.
