Lockfast® Retainers are high performance anaerobic retaining compounds that are used for bonding cylindrical fitting parts such as bearings, gears, shafts and pulleys etc. Ideal for reducing assembly stresses, preventing corrosion and loosening from vibration or shock. Retaining liquids offer cost and time effective assembly solutions.
Anaerobic retaining compounds are clean and easy to use, because they cure in joint. Protects against corrosion, leaking and loosening caused by vibration, shock, and thermal expansion. Most products are fluorescent under UV light for identification.
Important information on strength, and application type is documented alongside further information about each product in the technical information sheet here.
Browse through the range of viscosities/strengths below to find out more.
See our conversion chart for Lockfast alternatives of other brands of engineering adhesives such as Loctite, Bondloc, Delta adhesives and Truloc.
Lockfast® is a registered trademark of Cyanotec Ltd.