Lockfast Aqua Epoxy Stick is a resilient, epoxy putty used to provide permanent repairs in damp, wet or underwater applications. Will bond tenaciously to substances such as fibreglass, metal, wood, concrete and ceramics.
When mixed, it sets to a hard, white material which can be drilled, sawn, filed, sanded and painted as required. Used for making emergency in-water repairs, patching scratches, cuts, dings, gouges, holes in fibreglass, metal, wooden boat decks and hulls. Can also fix dents in surfboards and similar marine recreational equipment; fill chips in ceramic tiles; replace missing grout in swimming pools, tubs, battery cases, sinks, spas, hot tubs and pools etc.
To ensure a good bond, sand both surfaces and ensure they are dry, free of grease, dirt, paint etc.
Twist or cut off the required amount of product, knead the putty with the fingers until uniform colour is achieved.
Press the putty onto the prepared surface within 2 minutes of mixing.
For a smooth appearance, rub with water or a damp cloth within the working life of the putty.
After 20-30 minutes the epoxy putty will harden like metal and start to form a bond. After 60 minutes the material will be cured sufficiently for practical use.